Chalking out your very own way to earn profit by writing killer promo campaigns is a gift only few people have. Moving readers at their own will, these veterans have finally let their secrets out.
1. Write the way you love to read: Short sentences, clear words, simple meanings. The best promo writing is done in a conversational way, a warm tone – just like talking to a friend.
2. Carefully chosen words: Every day words and phrases can give you much better results than carefully chosen dubious meaning words. Stilted style while writing a promo can create a distance between you and your readers and can even make them loose their interest in the writing.
3. Personalizing the message: Although your message is meant for thousands of readers, each must feel that they are exclusively being spoken to, therefore, promo writing needs to be one-to-one and now as group advertisement.
4. KISS: Like any other good writing document, promo writing also follows the rule of ‘Keep it Short and Simple.” You use more that necessary words and you lose the magic.
5. Use persuasive words: There are some words that act the part of most persuasive words in promo writing. Some of these include
a. suddenly
b. now
c. miracle
d. magic
e. offer
f. announcing
g. introducing
h. improvement
i. quick
j. easy
k. wanted
l. amazing
m. sensational
n. challenge
6. Call to action: Promo writing forces you to discover your own call-to-action techniques. Here are the top five ways to evoke a response:
a. Talk to An Expert
b. Start Your Trial
c. Get a Free
d. I Urge You To
e. While Supplies Last – You hear this one on infomercials all the time. This moves people to act while what they want is still around.
7. Break up the sentences: Long sentences in promo writing will only make your audience go haywire while interpreting the meanings behind those words. Consider this example:
"In brief, all we can say that the actual value of The Financial Marketplace to the end user is to be able to successfully find the complete manufacturer information which must be accurate, quick and efficient, which combines with other related information on manufacturing, suppliers and health issues, all together at once."
The revised version:
"We make it easy to find accurate manufacturer information. In addition, know the related facts on manufacturing, suppliers and health issues. All together at once. "
8. Some examples of good promo writing
“Timely service without efforts”
"You're in the best of hands with your own personal CONSULTANT. We have earned ourselves a reputation as the industry's leading CONSULTANT. The one social journal discriminating analysts have time to read when they can't read them all. And because your success is our goal too, we invest in surveys and studies regularly, to give you the best possible service month after month. Time and time again . . . .”
About the Author: Nitima is a seasoned content and promo writer. She has worked on projects related content writing, blog, brochure writing and creating marketing collateral. She also has hand on experience in technical and business writing. You can find more about her work from her website WRITING ROUTES Nitima also maintains a blog - Offbeat Spirituality which gets around 2500 hits every day.
Thank you for your post. I was looking for few pointers to start my new campaign but you gave me plenty.
September 20, 2011 at 1:19 PMJoy
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