I'd like to share the 5 content writing and article marketing tips that have helped my content writing improve the most:
1 - Create a word count limit for your web content or article. When you set a word count goal, it forces you to keep your focus. You'll find that your content is much more efficient.
2 - Say what you need to say as simply as possible. For those of us who like to elaborate and go off on tangents, this guideline can be a challenge, but definitely something to work towards!
3 - State the point of your content or article from the first sentence/paragraph. Your reader will look at your title and the first sentence to decide whether he wants to read your content or article. You greatly increase the likelihood that the reader will peruse reading content or article if you can rope him in right at the beginning. Resist the urge to write a lengthy and complicated introduction. Get to the point quickly.
4 - Teach your readers. Your main purpose in writing content and articles is to provide helpful information to your target readers. If your content fails to do this, it will not be successful on any other level. Focus on teaching in your articles - forget about promoting your business, getting backlinks, and hyping products. Think of common questions that your readers have, and then write your articles as solutions to those questions.
5 - Do not ignore the concluding paragraph of your content - experiment with different strategies that will subtly draw your reader from your article body into your resource box.
Here are a few ideas:
• Give your readers a homework assignment, something that they should do as a result of reading your article. Ideally, every article you write should bring about some sort of action from the reader. If the article is helpful, it will aid the reader in doing something that he needs to do.
• Ask the reader a question at the end of your article. This helps engage the reader; it is an invitation to further dialogue with you. If you do not create some sort of enticement to take another step towards you after reading your article, the reader may just read the article and move on to the next.
Your conclusion is a wrap-up of what you have said in your article, and it can also be a bridge between your article and your resource box. Asking a question at the end of your article is a very subtle way of saying to the reader, "Let's continue this conversation outside of this article." The next thing the reader sees is your resource box which offers a method of contacting you - your website.
These are the 5 things that I've learned over the years that have helped me write more effectively and more efficiently. If you are a beginner and are struggling to produce articles, it is encouraging to know that it gets easier the more you do it. You don't have to write for years and years before getting better. Just apply a few of the article marketing tips I've listed here, and you will immediately improve.
Your homework:
Pick one of these 5 tips to focus on in your next article. Which one will you start with?
Wonderful tips, I'd love to do the homework and get back to you....
September 21, 2010 at 9:55 AMPost a Comment
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